Advertising Europe Year 2 / Año 2

Our project is coming to an end, and we would like to show you a video summary of our second year. We are very proud of what we have done, so we want to share it with you. We hope you like it. Nuestro proyecto está llegando a su fin,  y nos gustaría enseñaros un resumen de nuestro segundo año. Estamos muy... Continue Reading →

Andrea’s chronicle / La crónica de Andrea

Three in the morning and the alarm clock was already ringing. Between the excitement and the last-minute things,  I had scarcely slept. But all the weariness vanished in thin air when I landed in Hungary at last, and I ran to hug to my friend Boró as if we were in a movie (a year had... Continue Reading →

Pablo’s chronicle

Eager for adventure, I woke up at 4:00 a.m. to start my first trip on the Comenius Project towards Budapest. On the plane, while I was listening to my favourite music, I tried to figure out what Hungary would be like, I could just imagine that there it would be very, very cold, but when we landed on Budapest,... Continue Reading →

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